We all know how much our beautiful planet needs us to reduce our ecological footprint.  But, are we doing all that we can do on a daily basis?  This website is a resource, a place where we can share and encourage each other in how we help mother earth sustain life in its myriad of forms.  On these pages, I post photos and adventures of how I practice sustainable living at home, and what I’ve discovered in my efforts to help nature thrive while nourishing my body as well.  Join me here in the discussion of how we can reduce our ecological footprint by localizing the harvest of natural resources available to us.  I am in the process of learning (via WordPress tutorials) how to create a website, so please be patient as I find my way through the learning curve.  You may want to bookmark my site and check out how far I’ve gotten in a month from now.  Thank you!

Me, Andrea, posing for a photo while at work in the garden.