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Category: Garden Nutrition

Nutrient analysis of each veggie.

Nutrients in Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a good source of Thiamin, Folate and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.  It is also mildly anti-inflamatory; this is a good thing!  Chard does contain a significant amount of oxalyic acid, which interferes with the absorption of its calcium, but it doesn’t interfere with the absorption of calcium from other sources like yogurt, milk, and sesame seeds.

Nutrients from Nature

garden salad

Fresh picked greens are packed with nutrients.

We hear a lot today about the importance of antioxidants, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory foods, alkaline vs. acidic foods, enzymes, and pre and probiotics.  Recent research highlights the value of these substances in promoting health and fighting disease.  Although processed, packaged supplements are very popular, the research  points to fruits and vegetables as the #1 method for supplying your body with these cancer and disease fighting wonders.  Fresh organic vegetables, herbs, and fruits, grown in nutrient rich soil, can supply us with all the vitamins and minerals we need, as well as the healing gifts of antioxidents, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatories, enzymes, probiotic-promoting prebiotics, and alkalinizing properties.  As I continue to educate myself about just how the human body utilizes these medicinal gifts from the garden, I will share with readers what I have learned .

eat your greens

Greens have the highest ANDI score.